For the second edition of the show ARTE FORTE | Waiting for the moment, spread in ten Austro-Hungarian fortress of Trentino, Cellar Contemporary presents a new series of Bäst works with Studio d'Arte Raffaelli and starts a new collaboration with Denis Riva.

The show, created by Giordano Raffaelli two years ago let contemporary art, with his universal language, enter in war buildings .

In "Waiting for the moment" the artists are called to reflect on the idea of waiting and on suspention of time.

For the first time Cellar Contemporary takes part in this important cultural event. We invited two artists to join the show, each with his paculiarity.

The Brooklyn-based artist Bäst works are exhibited at Forte di Civezzano with Studio d'Arte Raffaelli togheter with the wooden sculptures by Willy Verginer. His mutated charachters reflect the idea of something changing, or waiting to change.

Bäst, Sei cappelli, mixed media on canvas, 141 x 212 cm

Denis Riva, an italian artist coming from "Ganzamonio", will be on show at Forte Larino from July 7th.

Denis Riva's works are focused on the topic of time in human beings and in nature, creating an exhibition path through recent and site-specific works.

Denis Riva, Attendere un nuovo giorno, mixed media on paper, 32 x 118 cm

ARTE FORTE | Waiting for the moment
Contemporary art exhibition in 10 Fortress of Trentino
Part of "Sentinelle di Pietra" review
21 June - 23 September 2018

Opening Forte di Civezzano
Friday 22 June | h 6:00 p.m.
Studio d'Arte Raffaelli
presents Bäst and Willy Verginer

Opening Forte Larino
Saturday 7 July | h 6:00 p.m.
Cellar Contemporary
presents Denis Riva