#Artistwor(l)d: Margherita Paoletti's story in our first takeover
Phisically still, digitally connected. That's what we started talking about, me and my galley, Trento's Cellar Contemporary.
I took posses of social media profiles (instagram, Facebook) and the Gallery's online Journal to bring you into my daily life during the lockdown, through the moment and places of the house where I work and live.
"Art is a guaranty of sanity."
L. Bourgeois
L. Bourgeois
Music from the studio: Y la Bamba, Waxahatchee, Kevin Morbin
Inside the studio:
The illustrations of these last weeks speak a lot of quarantine in a symbolic key. Sometimes multiple narrative paths are born from a single image and this is positive because it means that everyone of you searches something familiar, maybe a sense of community with what we are currently living in this strange moment.

Quarantine illustrations
Every day images, concepts, ideas that I hope to realise soon, come to my mind. Such as the one of Qxxxxxxxe diary on my body, a fanzine that I would like to auto produce and release. In each page there are pieces of body that are actually part of a single bigger figure. I won't tell you more, bacause I'll let you see it soon!
Since the beginning of the quarantine I've done sunday-lives from my art studio, virtually inviting hosts to spend an afternoon there and to observe the creative process through which I realise my art works. Participation in these occasions has been great and I felt very close to all people who followed me, in Italy and abroad.
Artworks during the Sunday lives. GO TO THE ARTWORKS
Outside the studio:
There’re no cars nor people around, this quiet dimension for once is outside our home. That’s why we try to keep up with ideas and things to do inside the house: making plans for meals, new recipes (healthy ones), talking and discussing, doing the laundry and so on.
My sourdough bread and my healthy panzerotti!
The house in which I live has a garden, where once a day me and my cat Whisky spend some time to explore all its most remote angles. When the sun sets and the shadows grow longer, the light gets golden and I try to crystallise in my mind this moment that everytime escapes from me behind the mountains.