Cellar Contemporary participated in this edition of the feast of San Martino (dentro) with the project site-specific “Spontaneously Fluorescent”, signed Federico Lanaro.

The neighbourhood of San Martino becomes a cultural-lab for the Feast of San Martino (dentro), able to valorize both artistic and folkloristic aspects of the district, by decorating the streets and its small squares with music, poetry, photography and art installations. Cellar Contemporary joined in this edition with the project site-specific Spontaneously Fluorescent, signed Federico Lanaro, through which the artist revisited some of his art pieces on canvas, from the series "Supernatural", using the light. He welcomed the public in his multi-sensorial space with the installation in fiberglass “Zanne”, realised in collaboration with the dj Everest Parisi. A series of three new lightboxes from Federico Lanaro completes the exhibition, which testify his most recent artistic research. Through the projected lights and fluorescent colours the artist portrays his artworks as if they are floating, and through distorted sounds offers us a new and diverse lecture of natural and primordial elements.

The exhibition will be available for visits during opening hours of the gallery, until December 10th, 2017.